Contacts » Attendance


Shoal Creek Elementary School Attendance Information


📞 858-613-0693


📧 [email protected]


Reporting an Absence:


Please call or email the attendance hotline before 7:30 a.m. each day your student is absent from school. When reporting an absence, kindly include the following information:


  • Student’s Name and Grade
  • Teacher’s Name
  • Day(s) and Date(s) of Absence
  • Reason for the Absence
  • Expected Date of Return


This helps ensure your child’s safety and keeps attendance accurate. If the absence lasts for five (5) or more days, a doctor’s note is required in addition to the parent’s note.


Guidelines for Absences:


  • Medical Appointments:
    If your child has a medical appointment, please send a note to the office. This will be documented as a medically excused absence.
    Note: If a child has a fever, they must remain home until they have been fever-free for 24 hours.
  • Vacation and Trips:
    Parents are encouraged to schedule vacations and trips during non-school days.
  • Truancy Policy:
    Students who are absent without a valid excuse three times within one school year are considered truant. A truancy letter will be sent to the parents, and a copy will be forwarded to the Poway Unified School District Student Discipline and Attendance Office.
    If a student is formally notified three times, both the student and their parents may be referred to the District School Attendance Review Board (SARB), which could lead to referral to the juvenile justice system.


School Office Hours:


  • Monday – Friday: 7:15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
  • Office Phone:
    📞 858-613-9080


Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring your child’s punctual attendance and helping us provide them with the best education possible.